Sexuality and sex are natural aspects of life that stay with you for life. The pleasure we derive from particular sexual actions and practices differs from person to person. Regardless of what triggers our individual sexual needs or the sexual activities we use to satisfy them, we are all sexual creatures. As sexual creatures, we have complete control over how we act.
Sex has been proven to enhance sleeping patterns, reduce stress, and increase happiness, among other things. Sex is a natural biological function that is beneficial to one’s health. Our bodies thrive on the chemicals generated during orgasm, therefore maintaining a good sex life is essential to maintaining a healthy body.
Sandra L. Caron, PhD, sex therapist and professor of family relations and human sexuality at the University of Maine’s College of Education and Human Development in Orono says, “There are several studies describing the health advantages of sex, the majority of which are associated with achieving orgasm. Nobody says you need a partner for that.”
For those without a committed relationship, self-pleasuring has sex benefits, particularly those associated with having a satisfying orgasm.
So, whether you’re in a relationship or on your own, take a look at this list of pleasant side effects of regular sex:
In order to avoid incontinence, which affects roughly 30% of women at some time in their lives, a healthy pelvic floor is essential.
Your pelvic floor muscles get a workout when you have good sex. When you have an orgasm, the muscles in your thighs flex, strengthening them.
MD, Lauren Streicher says, “Having sex will improves your libido secretion and makes your sexual experience better.” She works at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago as an assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
According to her, having sex increases lubrication of your vagina, betters blood circulation, and suppleness, all of which make sex more desired and more enjoyable.
Ladies, it is okay if you forget to refill your painkillers. Rather, just quit, as when there is a more happy-ending way to relive your period cramps. The science behind this is statistically proven by a lot of studies. However, in easy words, when you have an orgasm, the muscles of your uterus contracts and releases. This release results in relief from cramps.
Another fact, sex can cause the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, to be released. When women experience pleasure through vaginal self-stimulation, they have lower pain sensitivity and a higher pain tolerance threshold, according to a study published in Pain.
While having intercourse, your body releases oxytocin. Oxytocin released under natural conditions promotes sleep by countering the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone. Owing to the absence of cortisol, quality of sleep automatically leads to betterment.
Furthermore, a few studies say those women’s estrogen levels rise during intercourse, which has been demonstrated to improve their REM cycle.
Men’s prefrontal cortex, which aids alertness and mental activity, “switches off” after orgasm, allowing them to sleep.
According to several research, having sex once or twice a week boosts your immune system, with those who have sex once or twice a week having more infection fighting bodies and a better overall sense of well-being.
Sex can also increase serotonin levels. This hormone aids in the production of “happy feelings,” and experts believe there is a relationship between serotonin levels and sadness.
Sexual activity on a regular basis, whether with a partner or alone, might make you appear younger. This is partly related to the secretion of a hormone called estrogen during intercourse.
One study discovered a link between regular sexual activity and the appearance of being much younger (between 7 to 12 years younger). The vast majority of these people were likewise at ease with their sexuality and sexual identity, thus increasing self-confidence.
Because of oxytocin, sex can help you connect with your partner. Relationship development can be aided by oxytocin as it affects the level of trust, intimacy and love in relationships. You might discover that consistent, shared sexual enjoyment aids in interpersonal connection. It also affects your psychological defence mechanism that results in emotional conflict. This is believed to increase understanding and compatibility between partners.
When couples fulfil each other’s sexual desires, they have a higher level of relationship satisfaction. When you’re able to articulate yourself and your own sexual wants, you may see beneficial changes in your relationship.
According to a study involving almost 3,000 women aged 42 to 52, those who had sex weekly were 28 percent less likely than those who had sex less than monthly to experience menopause during the period. According to the experts, the physical signs of sex may communicate to the body that pregnancy is feasible, delaying menopause for a while longer.
According to a study published in the journal Investigative and Clinical Urology, sexually active women and women who have orgasms have stronger pelvic floor muscles than non-sexually active women. It’s crucial to have a strong pelvic floor since it can help you control your bladder. You won’t have to be concerned about leaking pee when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or run.
It also boosts the area’s blood circulation. “The old adage goes, ‘Use it or lose it,” adds Dr. Mikin “Pelvic blood flow flow is increased when a woman is sexually active, and this blood flow leads to additional dampness in the vagina.” A moist vagina makes sex more comfortable and enjoyable.
High blood pressure can cause significant or catastrophic issues in the heart and circulatory system. According to studies, elevated blood pressure has a deleterious influence on female orgasm. Lower systolic blood pressure measurements have been connected to sex.
Sex has many health benefits be it for women or men. It is always said that having sex makes you look younger, confident, pretty and glowing. That’s pretty awesome!